SugarHouse Online Casino has been shortlisted for six awards this year. On top of being named one of the best in the world, the casino is celebrating recognition in these categories: Best Mobile Product, Acquisition Strategy, Best Product Innovation, Marketing Campaign, Casino Operator, as well as Operator of the Year. It is clear all the energy management has been putting in this venture is being appreciated where it matters the most.
Part of the recognition comes from the innovativeness of the casino’s games. While most players focus on reinventing the wheel, SugarHouse has teamed up with brilliant developers to come up with games that are keeping the competition on its toes, despite being a late entrant.
SugarHouse is not the only online casino changing things in New Jersey. Pala, Borgata, and Caesars are some of the other legal online casinos in New Jersey, having been licensed under existing regulated land-based casinos.
What Goes into Choosing the Best?
Players make their choice based on a number of things. SugarHouse has worn the hearts of players by being innovative in its games. The variety keeps most people coming back. Golden Nugget’s responsive design and attractive bonuses have become a real hit with players and so they remain loyal.
Tropicana Casino is also a top online casinos in New Jersey for its 20% bonus that cushions players against loses. That and the variety of games – both free and for real money – keeps players happy. These three are still the best New Jersey online casinos as far as players and numbers go. They are kept on their toes by the others who are not entirely unpopular.
The launch of PlaySugarHouse changed the game a big deal for most online casinos. It made them realize that they needed to innovate fast to keep up. Those six nominations have also sent a message across board.